ADA Remodel Las Vegas

Welcome to Preferred Construction, LLC! We’re right here in Las Vegas and all about making places easy for everyone to use. Whether it’s a home or a business, we work hard to make sure they are accessible for people with disabilities, following rules set by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Our team is proud to help in communities all over  Las Vegas. With our extensive experience and a deep commitment to quality, we’re here to transform your space into a safe, comfortable, and accessible environment.

ADA Remodel Las Vegas

Choosing us as your ADA remodeling contractor means partnering with a team that truly understands the importance of accessibility. We’re well-known in Las Vegas for our top-notch work and attention to detail in every project. Our projects often include putting in ramps, making doorways wider, or fixing up bathrooms and kitchens so they’re easier for everyone to use. Our biggest aim is to fix up spaces in a way that meets ADA remodel rules and makes life better for people with disabilities.

What is ADA Remodeling?

Constructing places for the ADA means changing homes and businesses so people with disabilities can use them better. We make sure these places follow important rules and change things so everyone can move around easily and safely, helping people do more things independently. Our ADA Remodel makes buildings more welcoming and more accessible for everyone to enjoy.

Why Choose Our ADA Remodeling Company?

Trusted in Las Vegas: People know us as a reliable and top-notch team because we always do our best work. Plus, we’ve got many happy customers in Las Vegas and nearby places who love what we’ve done for them.

We Know the Rules: We know how to follow ADA rules, so your place will be right for everyone. This means we make sure every part of your project is done correctly, so you don’t have to worry.

Made Just for You: We listen to your needs and make sure your space works well and feels good. It’s all about creating a space that fits what you want, whether a home or a business, so it’s perfect for your needs.

More Than Just Following Rules: We make sure your space isn’t just okay by law; we make it friendly and easy to live or work in. We aim to go beyond meeting the basic requirements, creating a welcoming and comfortable space for everyone.

Our Complete ADA Remodel Services

Making Homes and Businesses Better for Everyone

We fix up all sorts of spaces, such as bathrooms, kitchens, doorways, and places where you hang out at home, making them easier and safer for everyone to use. We focus on big changes and take care of the small details that make a big difference in making your home more welcoming.

When it comes to business places like stores or offices, we work our magic there too, making sure everyone can get in and feel comfortable. Our ADA remodeling company is all about creating spaces in businesses that invite everyone in, no matter their needs, making sure nobody feels left out.

Tailor-Made Solutions for Easier Access

Consultation and Design: Every job starts with us looking into what you need so we can create plans that make your space just right for everyone. We sit down with you to figure out exactly what you need, making sure the final design feels like it was made just for you and your space.

Installation and Construction: As a top ADA remodeling general contractor, we are excellent at making changes like building ramps, making doorways bigger, fixing up bathrooms to be easier for everyone to use, and using the latest and greatest stuff to get it done right. We’re all about using modern tools and smart ways to make your place more reachable for everyone and look great.

Checking and Updating: We’re on top of making sure your place meets all the newest accessibility rules, keeping you away from any legal headaches. After making changes, we double-check everything to make sure your space is not just lovely to look at but safe and easy for everyone to move around in.

ADA Remodeling Contractor: Together from Start to Finish

Our 5-step ADA remodel process makes things simple. We chat, plan, manage, build, and check everything with you to make sure it’s just right.

Initial Consultation: We start with a discussion to determine how we can improve your space. It’s all about understanding what you need and how we can help.

Design & Planning: We create a plan that turns your ideas into an actual design. We consider every wish to ensure that the plan fits just right.

Dedicated Project Management: We oversee everything to ensure it runs smoothly and stays on track. You’ll always know what’s happening and feel in control.

Construction & Implementation: Our skilled team brings the design to life, paying close attention to details. We’re all about making sure everything is done perfectly.

Final Walkthrough & Approval: We walk through the finished space with you to make sure it’s exactly what you wanted. If there’s anything you want changed, we’ll take care of it.

Benefits of ADA Remodel with Preferred Construction, LLC

Enhanced Accessibility: We work on making places where everyone can have a good time, making sure they’re easy to use and comfy. This way, no one feels left out, and everyone can join the fun.

Increased Property Value: Meeting ADA rules can make your place more attractive to buyers and even bump up its price. It’s a smart move that pays off by making your property a hot pick.

Commitment to Inclusivity: We’re all in on creating spots that welcome everyone, showing that we’re serious about treating everyone equally. Our goal is to make sure no one misses out because of how a place is designed.

Unlock Accessibility with Our ADA Remodeling Company

Ready to make your space welcoming for everyone with the help of a trusted ADA Remodeling Contractor? Let’s chat! Call or email us, and we’ll begin with a free consultation to explore how we can transform your property. Together, we can create environments that are comfortable, accessible, and valuable.

  • Call for General Inquiries: +17028485009
  • Call for Estimates: +17026397209
  • Email Us: [email protected]
  • Visit Us: 3685 S Highland Dr UNIT 14, Las Vegas, NV 89103

Don’t wait to make a difference. Contact Preferred Construction, LLC now and take the first step towards a more inclusive and accessible future!

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